Here is the latest news from our committee!
CPC/PI Report
January 17, 2025
Monthly CPC meeting first Monday of the month, 5pm at Alano club Abe room.
o Investigating zoom option, looking for help and equipment for this.
o Club advertised for us leading up to new meeting space, 4 new members!
Treatment Chair Mike P. attended—circle program panel as a possibility.
Working on these upcoming panels—
o CMU nursing-Dan
o Western CO HR Association. -Todd
o District Attorney’s office-Scott/Jerry
o Corrections-Kieth/Jerry
o VA-Todd
o School District 51–Michael
Dan and Todd attended the Mesa County Opioid Response Group luncheon.
Panel Workshop—Practice panels next meeting February 3 rd , 5pm. Anyone with
panel experience or wants to help are encouraged to attend.
o Monthly distribution of pamphlets continues each month
o Elaine M is a new PI rep! She will be printing lists as well!
o Jerry C added on GJPD and Sherriff office drop off sites
o Jerry C has volunteered to take over the Fruita end of the valley for distribution.
o Heather O has volunteered to take over the Palisade end of the valley.
o Doctors offices were discussed as a drop off point, looking into this.
o We will be creating packets to have for certain groups that includes a
meeting list and whatever literature goes to Corrections, Hospitals,
Counseling, Spanish clubs, Treatment, Sober living. We want to use free
literature and organize the appropriate material to ensure people are
getting what they can use most.